Alright Murray, my Studio Domestique friend you!
So, I've been tagged...six unimportant quirks:

1. I tend to be permanently marked for target practice when it come to birds...I was actually
pooped on by a flock of pelicans while sunbathing in Daytona, pooped on my face whilst eating
a piece of pizza (which was also hit), and too many other times to list.

2. My sister and I were made aware that certain trains from France to Germany have "open
flushing" systems - you can see the tracks as soon as you flush...eeew!

3. I'm allergic to Red Dye No. 40 but still can't stop myself from eating Twizzlers...I even ate
myself into a serious allergic reaction and had to get shots of benadryl and adrenalin to
counteract my idiocy.

4. I saw my mother get her wallet stolen in the Metro in France.

5. I have glasses and contacts but never wear them because they give me migraines...so I opt
to be nearsighted - pardon my squinting!

6. I sleep better with a pillow over my head.

The rules of the game are as follows:
1. Link back to the person that tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your entry.

So, I couldn't possibly tag six people but Blaze Danielle seems like the fun type that wouldn't mind...so Blaze, you're IT!?! :)


  1. Ahh!! Haha! What a fun post! :) I will do my best to do a fun post! ;)

  2. OMG! I sleep with a pillow over my head too...glad there are other wackies like me out there! Well we're not wacky...let's just say UNIQUE!

  3. ooooo me too, me too...birds poop on me too. Aren't we lucky! Oh and stay away from the red dye silly!

  4. I got tagged a while back and always find it fascinating reading people's answers. Love yours but I might lay off the Twizzlers if I were you!


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