Well, my Father's surprise party was a success...much so expected since it was held 3 months AFTER his actual birthday. The party planning commity had some setbacks! All four brothers in one room - doesn't happen very often (usually in the event of a funneral these days) so it was an extra special occassion. I was "hired" by Mom to make the favors and cake...much to MY surprise, I was visited by the Manager of the Restaurant and complimented on my cake. Business cards were exchanged and my fingers are now crossed!


  1. Your creations are beautiful - that cake looks VERY yummy and the cookies are so festive! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too - what a great compliment to your talent! :)

  2. Fritz is drooling over the cake. Looks fabulous, glad everything was a success!

  3. Gorgeous work as always! congrats and good luck!

  4. Jaimee!

    Hi. Hope you're doing well. My Mom sent me the link to your blog. Great to see all of your creations on line.

    When did our parents become sixty-something?

    Jim (Mollo)


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