Making Memories

I wish we lived closer...Texas is just too far from Philadelphia. Thank goodness Finn is at a much better age for flying these days. The trip was much more "do-able" than trips of the past and now I know I can even handle a solo trip or two if we should be so lucky to have some in the near future (I know Pee-Pie would love that!) Although our vacation seemed to be over in the blink of an eye, we had tons of fun just visiting, talking & relaxing while we were there.

Kevin, Finn, Aunt Cathy, Daniela, Me & Pee-Pie
1. Pee-Pie & Finn
2. Little toes wading in the Lake
3. Skipping stones
4. Cooking with Aunt Cathy
5. Supper with Pee-Pie
6. Soaking in the Sun
7. Giving Belly Rubs
8. Taking a dip
9. Fishing with Daddy
10. Nights end with Dominos
11. Sight seeing in Frisco
12. Enjoying the Sunset
13. The Engine in Frisco
13. The Engine in Frisco
14. Dinner at The Magic Time Machine
15. Finn at the Salad Car
16. Me & Jewels
17. Pee-Pie in her Garden
18. Me & Pee-Pie