Fun In the Sun
Not sure if you're in my neck of the woods but it was almost 90 degrees a couple of days ago! I tad too hot for my liking, considering it was 60 the day before. Finn didn't mind though - as you can see.
There's my little pool boy having a blast splashing around but always seems more concerned about whether there are bugs ("floaters" as he calls them) in his pool. Hence, the enourmous pool skimmer! But notice his very Cool Scary Shark Bathing Suit and Pirate Tattoo on his forearm...apparently cool guys are afraid of bugs too!

Good ol' Maiser got in on the action too...minding the squirrels! We were informed that when we adopted her (She's a Southern Belle we rescued from Katrina) that she's a trained Squirreling if there really should be such a thing. She's calmed down a bit since she's realized we're not interested in hunting squirrel but it's in her blood and she will terrorize the heck out of them until no end.
oh, and this is my cozy spot in the shade, aaaahhhh!