Fond Memories
Thanks to Leigh, of Found, Now Home, for jarring my memory with her Pickled Hutch "Picks of the week - 3/5". When I came across her blog including this beautiful quilt, it brought me back years to when my Grandmother and I started a similar quilt.
She had told me her mother (my Great-Grandmother had made many of these in her time) and it would be nice if she could help me make one of my own.
After venturing to the fabric shop, we sat down with our finds and began the tedious task of cutting all the circles. When bored with that task, we jumped ahead of ourselves and began creating the puffs...of which I still have piles to sew together. As soon as I saw this post, I began digging in the guestroom closet and pulled out an old box with the quilt just as I had left it. NOW to finish what we started!