Utter Disappointment

As far back as Kindergarten Orientation when it was mentioned, my son has been excited for the 100th Day of School. They described a day full of fun games & treats to celebrate finishing 100 days of school. His eyes lit up with anticipation and he proudly counted down the days until last week. It was going to be the BIG day but, ARGH, it snowed AND snowed AND snowed...until at last it arrived!

The cute little guy jumped up and awoke me with a giant smile saying "TODAY is the day, Mom!" I sent him off on the bus eager to get the day started. I could only imagine the fun he'd be having that day.

As I greeted him at the bus stop in the afternoon, he filled me in on all the details but was rushing through them. I told him to catch his breath and slow down so I could hear everything but he responded..."That doesn't matter. What are you & I going to do TOMORROW? Are we going to do something really fun to celebrate?" Confused, I said, "Uh, sure, we can do something fun after school." He replied, "WHAT? What do you mean AFTER school? I finished the 100 days!!!"

Poor guy thought school was only 100 day long!
Needless to say, he was not pleased.


  1. oh no! That story is so sweet and so sad with his dissapountment. I can totally see Oliver thinking along those same lines.

  2. HAHAHA omg that is the CUTEST story ever! poor little guy!

  3. That is too cute, but sad for your little guy! A story to keep forever...he'll get a kick out of it in about 20 years ;)

  4. oh sweet boy! They always find something so profound to say at the right moment. It just amazes me! WOW!

  5. Haha! That is the cutest story :-)!!!


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