So, my new buddy, Alyssa, over at Revamp Boutique has shared some happiness with us and now it's my turn.

6 things I haven't shared here before that make me happy:)

1. I love all the wonderful memories I have from family vacations I dreaded as a kid.
Thanks for "making us have fun" Mama & Daddy!

2. It makes my happy thinking about when I worked as a Weaver and Potter at Waterloo
Village (AND tended sheep!) It's just so breathtaking there first thing in the morning
before the rest of the world is awake.

3. One of the things I was most excited about when I was "expecting" was to hear my son giggle
for the first time...now I can hear it whenever the tickle fingers come creeping ;)

4. It may sound crazy but Grocery Shopping REALLY makes me happy!

5. I love taking the pillows and feather blanket off my bed to get cozy on the couch for movie

6. I love it when my house is full of family - no matter how hectic it can get!

There you go!
So, who's up next? Let's seeeee...Studio Domestique, Cabbages & Kings and JaneGH (whom I'm sure has LOTS to smile about these days!)


  1. Your blue earrings are on the etsy front page RIGHT NOW!!! Horray!!!

  2. Fabulous list! A weaver and potter?? When was this?? That sounds amazing. I'm with you on the grocery shopping thing;)

  3. Nice list. I just did a quick search on Waterloo Village. This seems like a neat place! {Or seems, is it still around?} You were a weaver, a potter and tended sheep...interesting!

  4. Waterloo was open until 2 years ago. When the owner Percy Leech (a very well to do gentleman who purchased each building one by one and refurbished the whole village) decided he was too old and sold it to the State of NJ...it's gone downhill since and is currently closed. They say it should be reopening shortly - I HOPE!

  5. Oh, what a shame. Hopefully someone new will come along and realize its charm and history...

  6. A wonderful happy list! Aren't those little giggles music to your ears - I agree!

  7. Happy list-maybe you could start doing my grocery shopping-I hate it!


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